1 Aug 2018


Following protests at the premises of Federal Ministry of Finance on Monday morning, the ministry has promised to sort participants of the YouWin! Connect out soon.

The successful applicants in the second phase of the programme stormed the premises of the ministry chanting solidarity songs and lamenting the failure of the ministry to pay them the promised grant to solidify their individual businesses.

According to them, the ministry only gave them certificates after their orientation.

In reaction, however, the ministry through its spokesperson, Mr. Hassan Dodo said ìn a statement that the grievances which they raised would soon be settled.

He said the promise was the outcome of the meeting between officials of the Ministry and representatives of participants of the YouWin! Connect Capacity Building Programme, who came to seek further clarifications in respect of the programme.

“The Ministry said it will soon update all stakeholders on the next phases of the YouWin! Connect programme and further pointed out that such clarification became necessary because many participants in the programme had sought information on how their businesses could be supported, having completed the second phase of the YouWin Connect Capacity Building.”

Dodo recalled that on assuming office, the Minister of Finance, Mrs. Kemi Adeosun, reviewed and restructured the YouWin! Programme to YouWin! Connect and gave it a new focus for sustainability, with an emphasis on enterprise education as a catalyst for business success.

The initiative which promotes entrepreneurship as a viable career option for young Nigerians has also supported the growth and development of SMEs with over 61,000 participants receiving online capacity building. 

[This News source is from tribuneonlineng]

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