25 Sept 2017


5 methods of cleaning electric iron surface

There are best ways to clean the surface or the bottom of an electric iron. Here we will be treating five (5) of them. Many people uses sharp object such as knife, razor, etc. but that is a wrong way of cleaning the surface of an electric iron. By the end of this tutorial, you will learn the best way to clean the surface of your electric iron.

Below are the five (5) methods of cleaning the surface of your electric iron.

A. Using Salt:
  1. Pour some salt on the surface of a tick cloth or smooth surface
  2. Plug your electric iron on the power outlet and allow it to heat for some time
  3. Then pick up the iron and press it on the salt as if you are pressing a cloth (apply some force)
  4. Continue until all the dirty goes off.
Caution: Do not use on Teflon-coated surfaces.

B. Using Toothpaste:
  1. Plug your electric iron on the power outlet and allow it to heat for some time (preferably set it at silk)
  2. Pour some toothpaste on the surface of the electric iron.
  3. Use a soft brush or sponge and clean the surface of the iron
  4. After that, use a dry towel to dry the surface of the iron
  5. Continue until the whole surface is clean 
C. Using Hydrogen Peroxide:
  1. Plug your electric iron on the power outlet and allow it to heat for some time
  2. Pour some amount of hydrogen peroxide on a soft brush or sponge
  3. Then use the soft brush or sponge to clean the surface of the electric iron
  4. Continue until the whole surface is clean 
D. Using Wax:
  1. Plug your electric iron on the power outlet and allow it to heat for some time
  2. Get a piece of Wax and a small towel
  3. Put the wax on the towel and fold the towel firmly
  4. Then use the folded towel to clean the surface of the electric iron
  5. Continue until the whole surface is clean
E. Using Vinegar:
  1. Plug your electric iron on the power outlet and allow it to heat for some time
  2. Pour some amount of Vinegar on a towel
  3. Then use the towel and clean the surface of the electric iron
  4. Continue until the whole surface is clean
Caution: it is not advisable to use water to clean the surface of an electric iron.

Best Regards,

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